A Season for Everything

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.  ~ Ecclesiastes 3:1 KJV

~ What season are you in? Looks like all seasons are important! Whether you are in your initial walk with the Lord or in preparation time to do what God called you to do are both very necessary seasons in every one’s life. Observe, learn and apply what you see and hear from those who are experienced in the field. You could learn a nugget from everyone if you are listening with the intent to learn something. If we are always learning throughout our lifetime it’s good to have an open heart to hear what is being taught. Even if you have heard it before.

Everything has a purpose under heaven so if we keep our heart open we can hear something that blesses us or you may bless someone else just because you recently heard it again.

I remember a time when I woke up and my neck was hurting. I had prayed over it but it was still bothering me. Greg Fritz came to Charis Bible College and taught on the simple message of the gospel. Hearing that message healed me again. Think about that! If I would have shrugged it off because I heard it before I probably would have healed a few days later but I heard the living word – the truth. My heart agreed and I remember that instantly I felt better. That’s the power of the gospel. It saves, it delivers, sets us free and heals. Praise the Lord for His amazing word! So whatever the season – enjoy it to the fullest!