Tribulation VS Wrath

Today I would like to show the difference between tribulation and wrath. I believe there is a misconception regarding these two. It can be misleading to the church if one is taught something and it does not occur the way one might think.
* Tribulation *
Jesus said we would have tribulation in the end times like we have never seen before. We often read or hear teachings that say the church will be raptured before the tribulation or wrath. You will often hear this referred to as the pre-tribulation rapture. These words tribulation and wrath are used interchangeably but in reality they are not synonymous. They have different definitions. Tribulation is not the same as wrath.
For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. Matthew 24:21 KJV
Jesus said there would be great tribulation. The first century church experienced tribulation and the 21 century church will also experience tribulation like never before. The word tribulation in Greek is defined as pressure or affliction, distress, anguish, persecution, trouble. This is not meant to frighten you but to help you prepare yourself for when the time will arise around your life. So let us begin our journey of understanding the Word of God deeper.
The Book of Revelation tells us of the Lord’s wrath in chapter 16. Notice the chapter leading before this in chapter 15 is explaining vials of plagues being poured out. Plagues do not always kill. They may be a pestilence or something that causes discomfort but it does not always kill a person. There are people who can die in the midst of a plague but there are survivors as we have seen in the last couple of years. We see this when we read the accounts of the plagues in the house of pharaoh and over the land of Egypt. The Israelites were present but they did not experience the plagues themselves. They lived through them while it occurred nearby.
* Wrath *
Now that we read about plagues and pestilence let us look at the word “wrath” in scripture. Most people understand God’s wrath is coming upon the people who do evil.
Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. Ephesians 5:6 KJV
The Greek word for wrath is orgé (pronounced orgay). It is a different word than the word tribulation Jesus used in Matthew 24:21 (Tribulation in Greek is thlîpsis). The word wrath can mean anger or temper but it also refers to anger exhibited in punishment, vengeance, indignation. Notice the scripture in Ephesians the Lord will get his revenge and execute judgment on those who are the children of disobedience. Clearly this wrath is not going to be executed on the church because we are saved from wrath and are found in Christ. This is for those who are not part of the family of God.
Wrath according to its definition is about punishment on those who do not belong to God. We can understand this point very clearly but what I want to point out is that this is not the same when someone tries to interchange tribulation and wrath and pass them as identical. These actions are separate as I showed you from the Old Testament.
Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. Romans 5:9 KJV
As you see from the scripture above we are saved from wrath through him. Amen! The church needs to be prepared to see pestilence and plagues near them but if you put your trust in the Lord you will also KNOW He protects you from such things. He is your healer and shield. Have confidence and faith! I truly believe the plagues will be seen around believers and may shake those who waiver in their faith. What does this mean? This means the earth will be tested but it does not mean God is tempting you. There are tests believers face because we live on this earth but temptation comes from the devil. This is what we are seeing all around us today. The devil is tempting the body of Christ so we may have an opportunity to waiver in our faith. We must stand strong in our faith in the Lord to deliver us. This deliverance happens through faith in him and obeying what the Word of God states. If a believer never had to use his/her faith in their life there is opportunity now. This is not cruel or unloving.
On the other hand, having to use our faith makes us stronger because if we don’t give up we will see his hand pull us through whatever circumstance. We have been given the faith of Jesus and we were created to use faith. Many times as we go through trials it is not pleasant and may seem any eternity to overcome it. But if we don’t give up we will go through. Hallelujah!
* Pre-tribulation Rapture *
Like I mentioned earlier some people teach a pre-tribulation rapture. According to the Bible this does not seem to fall in line with events leading to the Lord’s return. It would give a false hope to people who simply think the church will be taken up without any challenges, afflictions, persecutions, distress, anguish, or trouble. This would sound great not to have to go through such tings but have you ever wondered why the love of many would grow cold? I believe this is one of the reasons. People were taught they would be taken up and not have to experience such things and then because events occur different than expected they will be angry with the church, with God for having to go through those things and now the enemy would have an inroad to a person’s heart.
Hopefully you can see the difference between tribulation and wrath and the unfortunate truth for the church. But look up beloved and remember the Lord will never leave you nor forsake you. Study the Bible and continue to know him more and more.