Lending to the Lord

A man that hath pity upon the poor length unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again. ~ Proverbs 19:17 KJV

Did you know that you can lend money to the Lord? According to this scripture when you have pity on the poor and give to them you are in actuality “lending” to the Lord. Because of your giving heart He will repay you the exact amount you have given. So if you gave $1 to the person in need He will repay you $1 when you need it.

This is why the Bible says that we should give abundantly. There may come a time when you are in need and you will need someone to give to you and because you gave to one of God’s children He will take care of your need when you have a need. A preacher once said his rate of return is one to one. So what you give is what you will receive. This does not apply in every aspect that you give. This rate of return is applied to giving to a need for the poor.

So the next time you see someone that needs help remember to whom you are lending. You will receive the same in return. Give cheerfully!